Michael Reuter

Five weeks into the launch of Connex Coin, the first compliant investment token in Germany , there’s reason to celebrate: without any marketing to attract investors: First milestone reached – 100 Investors in digital investment Connex Coin
Due to the ongoing SARS-CoV-2 crisis, we have slashed our original marketing plans in order to attract new investors in Connex Coin. Instead, we have relied on triggering interest by launching Germanys first tokenised investment. As a “tokenisierte Vermögensanlage” (the formally correct German term), Connex Coin isn’t tradable. The token that represents a loan to the management company of the Connex Building in central Munich, can be bought online through our web app . The token holder receives a 3% p.a. interest on her investments. Becoming an investor in real estate is not bound to a certain minimum wealth anymore. The minimum investment in Connex Coin is 10 EUR, and the maximum investment for natural individuals is 25.000 EUR. Corporate entities can undertake unlimited investments, although the total investment is capped at 2.5 million EUR.
First Milestone Reached – 100 Investors In Digital Investment Connex Coin
After 5 weeks, 100 investors have chosen to trust RAAY RE and to put their money into Connex Coin, with a total amount of 133.830 EUR invested. On average, every investor has invested approximately 1.340 EUR in Connex Coins. The RAAY RE team is very happy with reaching this first important milestone! outcome of the very first milestone.
Also, we are confident, that when the Corona curve has flattened, life will get back to normal and we will be able to raise even more awareness for this stable digital investment. If you have any questions regarding the Connex Coin token sale, please contact us!
Stay safe, stay healthy!